Who’s Best For the Economy?

30 10 2008

Like the lil elephant says, “I always thought Democrats were the big spenders!” The rhetoric just doesn’t match the record.

But let’s talk taxes. The Tax Policy Institute has a pretty good explanation of what each candidate proposes HERE. Take from it what you will…some say the economy is best served when the highest earners get a bigger break, some think it’s best to “spread the wealth.”

Which Candidate Will Sock Ya in the Pocketbook?

30 09 2008

There’s much talk of what candidate will raise taxes, and who will cut them. Check this site and find out which one will affect you…let me know what you think of the results.


All in the name of making an informed vote!

Monday Morning Mish-Mash

29 09 2008

1. Well, I broke down and joined the iPod revolution. I resisted for years, annoyed as I was by the constant barrage of little white headphones at the gym, the mall, in traffic, and virtually anywhere else. My car has the ability to play an iPod through the navigation screen, and after trying one out at the gym, I decided it would make a great birthday gift. So, I collected Best Buy cards and ordered my new iPod touch this morning.

2. I found the funniest site. www.yearbookyourself.com You upload a pic of yourself and it transforms it into a yearbook photo from the past…you can choose from dozens from the 1950s all the way to 2000. Here’s what I might look like if it were 1978:


I swear I look just like my 10th grade biology teacher.

3. Politics. I can not wait for this election to be over. As I’ve said before, I don’t care who anyone votes for, but I wish everyone would educate themselves on the issues before heading to the polls. Also, if you’re going to point fingers at one candidate, you better make sure the other one isn’t just as guilty. Much has been made on the interwebs (and on the editorial page of my local paper) about Barack Obama’s $28,000 a plate fundraiser with some folks from Hollywood. A letter to the editor I read today used this fundraiser as an example of how out of touch Obama is, how unlike the common person, and how crazy such a fundraiser was in these economic times. Good points all, but the author (and the bloggers and forum commenters before him) failed to mention that McCain hosted a fundraising dinner the week prior with an entry price of $50,000 per plate. Does that make him almost twice as out of touch? Twice as unlike the common man? And twice as crazy? You decide.

4. I started up an old hobby this weekend. As a kid, I built several dollhouses. Then, a few years ago, I built another one that ended up going to a coworker’s two young daughters. I’ve had another kit sitting in the garage for over three years, and finally have found the time and desire to make it happen–though I still haven’t found the know-how to make it happen smoothly. It’s been a weekend of cursing and throwing things.

5. No real point to this morning’s inspirational poster. It is wrong on so many levels. Thanks to Dawtch for sending it to me! Seems like an awfully busy intersection for someone in a wheelchair to be traversing. Over the weekend, someone referred to someone in a wheelchair as “HANDICAPABLE“. Have we become so PC?? Handicapable seems a little condescending to me…sort of like when Willard Scott refers to his birthday club members as being “101 years YOUNG”. Folks, you know you are older than dirt when people start referring to you as “so many years young.”

Sarah Palin–a BRILLIANT Move by the McCain Campaign

3 09 2008

OK, I try not to talk too much politics. But the nomination of Sarah Palin as McCain’s running mate was the most brilliant move that campaign has made.

Why? Because she is qualified? Naaa…she seems to have about as much experience as Obama, and reportedly wasn’t even sure what a Vice President did.

Because she ain’t too hard on the eyes? Well, that never hurts. Though I think she looks like a cross between Megan Mullally and Deborah Jeane Palfrey. But, no, that’s not it either.

It’s brilliant because people are actually talking about his campaign now. It’s someone from the McCain camp who is on the cover of every tabloid and gossip rag. It’s McCain who is on the fingertips of bloggers across the country.

While Palin’s story would seem to make her an unlikely conservative candidate, it’s somewhat refreshing to see someone who isn’t as polished and fake running for office. Here we have a fairly young woman, who, if you do the math, was knocked up prior to her own wedding. Whose 17 year old daughter has found herself in a “family way” with a mullet-wearing good-ole-boy whose myspace page was littered with profanity. Who last week was alleged to have pulled a Bree VanDeKamp and pretended to be the mother of her own grandchild. Who, by her own admission, gave a speech halfway across the country and then flew home to Alaska while she was in labor.

I’m reminded of a line from the Birdcage: “THIS IS ENQUIRER HEAVEN!!” For over a year, no one has given a rat’s patoot what John McCain had to say. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama haven’t been able to break wind without an analyst and two photographers present. Now, with the addition of the storied Palin, the interwebs are abuzz with half truths, outright lies, speculation, and rumor about McCain’s VP pick.

It was brilliant, I say. On the heels of his historical nomination, no one is even talking about Barack Obama this week.

McCain Takes Donation from Owner of a Gay Sex Website

16 08 2008

As I was surfing through the interwebs this evening, I came across this juicy little story on Towleroad. Apparently, one of the founders of “ManHunt”, a website that caters to gays looking for a “hook up” is a McCain supporter.  Jonathan Crutchley gave the maximum individual contribution ($2300) to McCain’s campaign. Given that McCain is anti-anything-gay it’s no shock that he returned the donation once they learned who the donor was.  But surely Crutchley realized McCain’s views, unless, perhaps, he has been too busy spending the 2.5 million dollars his website makes per month to study up on politics. (who knew there was that much money to be made from such a site??)